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Image by Ella Ivanescu

Monthly Ceremony

The Anthropology of Death

Image by Lea Kobal

An anthropological exploration of the themes of death in various cosmovisions. We explore different cultures and topics each month!

Donation Based Event

Upcoming Gatherings

Each month we gather on the first Wednsday of every month to speak about death.

  Life is a ceremony, we invite you to ritualize this time. 

We explore different cultures and topics each month!

Subscribe to our newsletter to explore upcoming topics.

Image by Adrienne Leonard

Welcome to Tenochtitlan

Feburary 7th | 5:30 pm CST

Within a lot of the culture of the Cemanahuac, the cycle of death was not just reserved for humans, The sun, the moon, and Tonanzin- mother Earth, and all of nature follow this cycle. The death/rebirth cycle was mirrored within all of life. 

Each day after traveling the celestial sky, the sun sets and is led to Mictlan, to transmigrate, regenerate, and bring a new light and energy to fertilize the earth. Without the sun, nothing grows.

Without death, nothing is reborn. 

In this upcoming gathering, we will explore our connection to our ancestors through veneration of what our Ancient Mexica Ancestors have to teach us about the life/death/rebirth cycles. Join us for a material share and guided meditation.




"Death is the only friend who has been by my side the whole time- a true witness to my life."

What you’ll receive from this experience:


Intuitive Connection

Rediscover Earth as our oldest ancestor via the lens of practices seen around the world & reigniting ancestral veneration and remembrance.



Reigniting our intuitive connection to Death, and what our earthly ancestors have left as blueprints so that we don't have to fear this natural phenomenon. 


Heart Expansion

An Integrative meditation experience that encompasses the veneration of our own death in connection to our life.

Our Library

Image by Ella Ivanescu

Welcome to the Nile

Along the Nile, death was not seen as the end of existence, but as a way to access the other world. To understand the attitude of the ancient Egyptians towards death, it is necessary to understand that the living and the dead were considered members of the same community, and therefore the dead continued to play an important role in influencing the daily affairs of the living. The Nile River is extremely important in the flourishing of Egypt, as it is identified as a reflection of the Milky Way on Earth. This sacred geography organizes the space of the ancient Egyptians and that of the living and the dead. 


This upcoming gathering, we will explore earth as our oldest living ancestor and what our Ancient Egyptian Ancestors have to teach us about the living landscapes of the living and the dead. Join us for a material share and guided meditation.

Image by British Library
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