Join our Ancestral Reverence Weekend
As the veil between realms grows thin, we invite you to embark on a profound cross-cultural journey of ancestral reverence. Honoring our ancestors is a practice that extends across cultures and has several profound ripples.
It preserves our cultural heritage, fosters a sense of belonging, and offers guidance and healing. It's a way to deepen your spiritual journey and express gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions of those who came before you. We are all the maturation of the efforts of those who have come before us.
Tlaxochimako & Xokohuetzi:
the original Dias de los Muertos
The ancient Anahuak societies comprehended how both the internal and external cycles are always generating based upon the dualities of Life-Death and Death-Life.
Rest and transmutation are necessary for everything that exists in the universe, for only in this way can renovation and rebirth be assured.
Our Legacy is part of our Ancestry

In Order to Walk the Path in Right Alignment You Must Continuously Choose To Do Your Part within
Your Own Inner and Outer Work- part of our inherited gifts come deep within our ancestry.
There are times within our lives' season that invited us to dig deep and unearth the gifts left by our ancestors to mature further.

Break down of our Weekend Journey
Our Reclamation to the Death| Life Cycle
Friday, November 1st
11am CST
Tlaxochimako & Xokohuetzi:
the original dias de los muertos
Our Connection to Samhain + Halloween

Our Introduction to Ancestral Connection
Saturday, November 2nd
11am CST
The power of Prayer
The technology of an Altar

Our Offerings as Hommage
Sunday, November 3rd
11am CST
The Power of offerings
Our intricate connection to Mother Earth + our Ancestors