Our Natural Rites of Passage
2 Live Calls per Week: Tuesdays 5 pm CT & Sundays 10 am CT
Our next Journey will be February 2024
Enrollment is closed
Photo by: Earth Speak
Join our 5-week community.
As we dive into the fabrics of ceremony and ritual for the significant transitions in our life.
We have natural phases as we age that mark a person's transformation into the next.
Have you felt the call to sit and celebrate your own sacred natural cycles?
"Our transformations are part of our metamorphosis in this world"

Are you ready to dance with the rhythms of life?
5 Week Communion
2 Live Calls per Week: Tuesdays 5 pm CT & Sundays 10 am CT
A deep cross-cultural exploration of our ancestor's views of Ritual and Ceremony.
We dive into the blueprint of our ancestors, going through anthropological and archaeological remembrance of the Sacred Ceremonies and Rituals that our Earthly Ancestors conducted. In past and present Earth-based cultures have significant ceremonies and rituals revolving around marking that transitionary period of our life—a moment to remember and reflect on as one changes and forms into what is being initiated.
What's included
Our Natural Rights of Passage Module
Guidebook with self-reflective questions, and practices, along the way
Guided meditations
Community Calls
Community Group Chat
Live call recordings

Our Weekly Gatherings
Begins February 18-March 18
Our Bi-Weekly calls are organized into:
Informative and material overview (Tuesdays)
Integration & meditation and opening up space to share our process with the week's topic (Sundays)
We go into the preparation for the Spring Solstice of 2023
Each live call session will be recorded and shared to the cohort

Concepts we will cover:

Introduction to the Life/death/life cycle
The practice of creating your own altar + the vitality of an altar practice
Introduction to Temazcali from the Anahuac (North America)
Rituals and Ceremony | Importance of stoping time
Mayan Calendar Introduction- that will follow us through the course of our journey
Recognizing + honoring Indigenous knowledge in the Right Relationships
Attuning to our phases of Moons| Mayan teachings of the phases of life
The major rights of passages
The vitality of limpias + shedding
Blueprint of our 7-Year Cycles
Counting sacred time within your life | Our own ceremony as life | Instinct as a guide
Rituals for ending and beginning phases of life: new relationships, new intentions with others, homes, and the self
A dive into the metamorphosis of the butterfly
Cultural blueprints we will explore:
Ancient Israel +Archaeological findings
Ancient Egyptian + Archaeological Findings
Mayans from Guatemaya and Yucatan
Mexica-Aztecas from the Anahuac
Kumeyaay people of Southern California
Himba people of Namibia
Kazakh people of Mongolia
We will also have time to dive into any cultures that the cohort has curiosities or wants to explore.
Live Calls With the Experts:
Live Call- Mely de Chichen Itza, Yucatan Nation
Live Call- Samantha from Hands of Mercury | Our astrological 7 Year Cycles.

This Journey is for you...
If you feel the call to integrate a new intention into your life.
If you are currently shedding and need a community to guide you along your new path.
If you have been curious about the traditions of ceremonies around the world to celebrate life's natural phases.
If you are curious about your own natural phases and transition.
if you are trying to cultivate a more spiritual and intentional connection to your life.
All beings welcomed,
Come as you are,
Meet your guide

Mariana Bandera Marin carries with her a deep curiosity about what makes us human on earth and has an affinity to ceremonies around the world that help preserve wisdom and remembrance. She is an anthropologist and archaeologist who has worked in California, Mexico, Menorca, Texas and New York, protecting the sacred lands of the people who have guarded them for millennia.
Under the guidance of her Mexica and Mayan mentors, she offers Cacao ceremonies and life story interviews for those who want to share their wisdom and heart with their family and loved ones as a form of Right of Passage.
In studying different cultures' Rites of passage, what surprised her is that they all have something in common. Their rituals to mark transformation are expressed in various forms, but at the root of it all, we see the same fundamentals-this is where the truths lie as blueprints.
With a humbled heart, we welcome you to join us on this magical journey in exploring our own natural rights of passage and instinctive ceremony to mark our metamorphosis.