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Image by Akhil Ramesh

Monthly Ceremony

Climate Grief Community
Circles with Cacao


Join us every New moon, to talk about the auspices of our climate change and to alchemize our grief into purpose.

Donation Based Event.
Suggested donation: $10-25
Your donation funds and fuels projects like these!

Upcoming Gatherings

  Life is a ceremony, we invite you to ritualize this time with the medicine of  Cacao. 

Meetings will include Indigenous Guest speakers to share about their communities and we can stay hopeful, active, and faithful.

Subscribe to our newsletter to explore upcoming topics.

Image by Devin Kaselnak

Our Next Gathering Dates

New Moon Gathering | 5:30 EST

Desert Views

November 13th

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM EST

Green Coral and Fish

December 12th

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM EST


Janurary 11th

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM EST

Hands in the Soil_edited.jpg

"This generation is actively transforming our society to be in the service of life. This is sacred work."

Turning greif into purpose

In our current state of the planet, we are living through a time of mass urgency towards the healing of the health and relationship of our planet. However, from the acceleration of the climate crisis to the decline of democracy to the raging pandemic layered atop all the other suffering, it can sometimes be hard for to imagine anything getting better any time soon. And the thing we have the least of right now is time.

The last stage of the grieving cycle is supposed to be “acceptance.” But the thing about climate grief is that we never want to reach it, because, well, we can’t just accept the end of everything. We’re still here; the planet is still here.

So we cycle in and out.

For generations Indigenous communities have had a strong voice in the changes that our Earth is facing. Through cultivating an intimate relationship with their environment, the plants, the animals, and the patterns and auspices, they have been able to observe, recognize, and adapt to the changes. They have confronted the global north to have a certain obligation to aid and protect the things we love the most. 

This is an opportunity for us to grieve the reconning, to face the eye of destruction, to grieve the changes our children will have to face. And in the same breath, gather strength through community, our elders, our ancestors, and the Indigenous elders who have guarded this planet for millenia. We are all guardians of something.

Join our monthly community gatherings to turn our grief into purpose. 

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